Illi Adato SQHP - Systemic and Family Constellation facilitator and international trainer. Personal & Organisational work offered worldwide. Member of ISCA read more...
Initiator/Developer of the HypnoConstellation™ Method; Hypnotherapist senior member of GHR (UK) & member IHF (USA) read more...
Zen Counselling
Initiator/Developer of the HypnoConstellation™ Method; Hypnotherapist senior member of GHR (UK) & member IHF (USA) read more...
Zen Counselling
Illi Adato SQHP
Founder / Managing Director
London School of Systemic & Family Constellations -
Personal, Couples and Group Facilitator, International Trainer of ECL Systemic Education,
Advanced NLP Therapeutic Specialist™, Facilitator of Systemic Ritual®️, Developer and International Trainer of HypnoConstellation™, Distant-Healing Constellations™ and Consciousness-Centred Therapy™
email: [email protected]