Workshops Information - I facilitate Constellation workshops in the UK and overseas, here are the links to events that are currently running with all relevant information below.
1. Systemic / Family Constellations - visit -
2. Constellations for Business & Organisational Flow - visit:
3. Meditation Classes & Practice -
1. London Family Constellations Workshops -
This workshop presents a unique, powerful and experiential therapeutic method for self exploration, removing blocks and moving on with life. Issue Holder (client) and Representative (participant) Spaces are now available. Please visit our page for up to date dates and information.
What Are Constellations?
A Constellation is a unique and deep process of therapeutic exploration of the forces that move us in life, and as such can be reflected through relationships, career, health matters or even financial circumstances. This method provides a three-dimensional picture or ‘map’ of one’s life as it is at present. It is a simple yet powerful way to explore entanglements and blockages in one’s life and in one’s family history. The method brings awareness and clarity into personal challenges by focusing the client on the root cause of such difficulties. Constellations provide an opening for a positive life shift and presents ways for deep healing processes to occur.
What happens in a Constellations sessions?
In Constellations work a ‘client’ is referred to as the ‘issue holder’. The method uses workshop participants as ‘representatives’ to stand-in for key people in the client’s life such as family members, colleagues, partners, ex partners etc. sometimes ‘abstract’ concepts such as an emotion, country of origin, religion or ‘destiny’ are also represented. Each workshop will offer a limited number of Issue Holders a chance to work and all other participants are invited to take part as representatives. Workshop participants often report experiencing profound insights into their own lives by simply witnessing the process, regardless of how they choose to take part.
Why Does This Work?
Science confirms: The experiences of your ancestors can determine your behaviour today and effect future generations.* Recent scientific research into DNA shows that a component named Epigenetic is embedding the effect of a traumatic experience by altering the genetic structure. This means that some of your behaviour patterns can be attributed to a traumatic event in your family history. This notion has always been one of the guiding principles of Constellations Therapy, a form of work that is dedicated to exposing and dealing with issues emerging from our family system.
Read comments by people taking part in previous workshops here.
“It is only now that science is catching-up with what is evident in Constellations work and visible in each and every one of our therapy sessions; trauma in the family history directly affects future generations” said Facilitator Illi Adato.
About the Group Sessions.
This small and intimate group Constellation workshop is running in Willesden Green and other venues around London. It is a journey of self-exploration and trauma healing. Working through the unseen conditioning one can be trapped in for many years.
An optional personal one-to-one counselling can be combined with the group work.
Our group provide a safe space where deep personal work is done and where maintaining confidentiality and respect of each other's privacy is paramount.
There are typically 3-4 Issue Holder (client) spaces per afternoon workshop for people who would like to have their own constellations done, these spaces are getting booked up fast, so please RSVP at the following link to reserve your client space.
What is the Cost of the Session ?
This Constellations workshop is open to people who are willing to commit to personal life changing work. My philosophy is that I charge the same for Issue Holder (client) space and for Representative (participant) space as I truly believe that each person taking part in whatever position is being 'shown' something that will resonate personally with them by the process.
* DNA research paper and news links:
Discover - Grandma's Experiences Leave a Mark on Your Genes - May 2013
BBC News - "Memories" pass between generations - 01 December 2013
2. Constellations for Business Optimisation -
This is a hub for Business and Organisational Constellations workshop and learning, open to entrepreneurs, business owners of any shape and size as well as project managers and team leaders. By taking part one can:
- Get insights and clarity regarding one's business and the
challenges it is facing.
- Shed light on dynamics between partners, clients, co-workers,
suppliers, or other key figures or factors affecting the business.
- Test business strategies before implementation.
- Look at company or office-politics from a fresh new
- Bring flow into project management or team management.
- Create and manage Change in a company, a project or
>> Full business anonymity is guaranteed as there is no need to mention the company or business name during the process <<
What is Business Constellations ?
Constellations is a unique and deep exploration process of any system, be it a company, an organisation or other professional entity. Working with Constellations highlights and bring to surface the forces and hidden dynamics that move and affect organisations. Such dynamics can be reflected through difficult co-worker relationships, challenges in company growth, acute boardroom clashes and dissatisfied clients. This method provides a three-dimensional ‘map’ of the inner company situation as it is at present. It is a simple yet powerful way to explore and resolve challenges and blockages in an organisation of any type. The method brings clarity into challenges by focusing the organisation leaders on the root-cause of such difficulties. Constellations provide an opening for a positive and long lasting change and presents ways for adjusting current processes and strategies.
What happens in a Business Constellations sessions ?
In Constellations work a ‘client’ is referred to as the ‘Issue Holder’ this will typically be an individual or a team at a management or team leading level. The method uses workshop participants as ‘Representatives’ to stand-in for key people in the organisation’s system such as partners, employees, shareholders, clients and even suppliers. Each workshop will offer 2 to 3 Issue Holders a chance to work and create their own Business Constellation. all other participants are invited to take part as Representatives. Workshop participants often report experiencing profound insights into their own businesses by simply witnessing the process, regardless of how they choose to take part.
Confidentiality and the respect of participant's privacy are paramount at our workshops and therefore business anonymity is guaranteed as there is no need to mention the company or business name during the process.
3. Meditation Classes & Practice -
This group was created in order to teach, promote and practice meditative principles and introducing them into our day to day life.
It is known that such practice affects all areas of our lives as it is a tangible key for greater awareness - inward as well as outward - or, in short, a tool for better living.
Our group sessions offers a carefully selected range of simple pathways for deep transformation through meditative practices. Each meeting includes a grounding / arriving warm-up exercises, step by step guidance to the meditation practice and much more.
The sessions are open to the novice as well as the experienced meditators. No previous experience is required.
Please join us
1. Systemic / Family Constellations - visit -
2. Constellations for Business & Organisational Flow - visit:
3. Meditation Classes & Practice -
1. London Family Constellations Workshops -
This workshop presents a unique, powerful and experiential therapeutic method for self exploration, removing blocks and moving on with life. Issue Holder (client) and Representative (participant) Spaces are now available. Please visit our page for up to date dates and information.
What Are Constellations?
A Constellation is a unique and deep process of therapeutic exploration of the forces that move us in life, and as such can be reflected through relationships, career, health matters or even financial circumstances. This method provides a three-dimensional picture or ‘map’ of one’s life as it is at present. It is a simple yet powerful way to explore entanglements and blockages in one’s life and in one’s family history. The method brings awareness and clarity into personal challenges by focusing the client on the root cause of such difficulties. Constellations provide an opening for a positive life shift and presents ways for deep healing processes to occur.
What happens in a Constellations sessions?
In Constellations work a ‘client’ is referred to as the ‘issue holder’. The method uses workshop participants as ‘representatives’ to stand-in for key people in the client’s life such as family members, colleagues, partners, ex partners etc. sometimes ‘abstract’ concepts such as an emotion, country of origin, religion or ‘destiny’ are also represented. Each workshop will offer a limited number of Issue Holders a chance to work and all other participants are invited to take part as representatives. Workshop participants often report experiencing profound insights into their own lives by simply witnessing the process, regardless of how they choose to take part.
Why Does This Work?
Science confirms: The experiences of your ancestors can determine your behaviour today and effect future generations.* Recent scientific research into DNA shows that a component named Epigenetic is embedding the effect of a traumatic experience by altering the genetic structure. This means that some of your behaviour patterns can be attributed to a traumatic event in your family history. This notion has always been one of the guiding principles of Constellations Therapy, a form of work that is dedicated to exposing and dealing with issues emerging from our family system.
Read comments by people taking part in previous workshops here.
“It is only now that science is catching-up with what is evident in Constellations work and visible in each and every one of our therapy sessions; trauma in the family history directly affects future generations” said Facilitator Illi Adato.
About the Group Sessions.
This small and intimate group Constellation workshop is running in Willesden Green and other venues around London. It is a journey of self-exploration and trauma healing. Working through the unseen conditioning one can be trapped in for many years.
An optional personal one-to-one counselling can be combined with the group work.
Our group provide a safe space where deep personal work is done and where maintaining confidentiality and respect of each other's privacy is paramount.
There are typically 3-4 Issue Holder (client) spaces per afternoon workshop for people who would like to have their own constellations done, these spaces are getting booked up fast, so please RSVP at the following link to reserve your client space.
What is the Cost of the Session ?
This Constellations workshop is open to people who are willing to commit to personal life changing work. My philosophy is that I charge the same for Issue Holder (client) space and for Representative (participant) space as I truly believe that each person taking part in whatever position is being 'shown' something that will resonate personally with them by the process.
* DNA research paper and news links:
Discover - Grandma's Experiences Leave a Mark on Your Genes - May 2013
BBC News - "Memories" pass between generations - 01 December 2013
2. Constellations for Business Optimisation -
This is a hub for Business and Organisational Constellations workshop and learning, open to entrepreneurs, business owners of any shape and size as well as project managers and team leaders. By taking part one can:
- Get insights and clarity regarding one's business and the
challenges it is facing.
- Shed light on dynamics between partners, clients, co-workers,
suppliers, or other key figures or factors affecting the business.
- Test business strategies before implementation.
- Look at company or office-politics from a fresh new
- Bring flow into project management or team management.
- Create and manage Change in a company, a project or
>> Full business anonymity is guaranteed as there is no need to mention the company or business name during the process <<
What is Business Constellations ?
Constellations is a unique and deep exploration process of any system, be it a company, an organisation or other professional entity. Working with Constellations highlights and bring to surface the forces and hidden dynamics that move and affect organisations. Such dynamics can be reflected through difficult co-worker relationships, challenges in company growth, acute boardroom clashes and dissatisfied clients. This method provides a three-dimensional ‘map’ of the inner company situation as it is at present. It is a simple yet powerful way to explore and resolve challenges and blockages in an organisation of any type. The method brings clarity into challenges by focusing the organisation leaders on the root-cause of such difficulties. Constellations provide an opening for a positive and long lasting change and presents ways for adjusting current processes and strategies.
What happens in a Business Constellations sessions ?
In Constellations work a ‘client’ is referred to as the ‘Issue Holder’ this will typically be an individual or a team at a management or team leading level. The method uses workshop participants as ‘Representatives’ to stand-in for key people in the organisation’s system such as partners, employees, shareholders, clients and even suppliers. Each workshop will offer 2 to 3 Issue Holders a chance to work and create their own Business Constellation. all other participants are invited to take part as Representatives. Workshop participants often report experiencing profound insights into their own businesses by simply witnessing the process, regardless of how they choose to take part.
Confidentiality and the respect of participant's privacy are paramount at our workshops and therefore business anonymity is guaranteed as there is no need to mention the company or business name during the process.
3. Meditation Classes & Practice -
This group was created in order to teach, promote and practice meditative principles and introducing them into our day to day life.
It is known that such practice affects all areas of our lives as it is a tangible key for greater awareness - inward as well as outward - or, in short, a tool for better living.
Our group sessions offers a carefully selected range of simple pathways for deep transformation through meditative practices. Each meeting includes a grounding / arriving warm-up exercises, step by step guidance to the meditation practice and much more.
The sessions are open to the novice as well as the experienced meditators. No previous experience is required.
Please join us